While True: Learn() Soundtrack


  1. While True Learn Review
  2. While True Learn Help
  3. While True Learn Soundtrack
  4. While True Learn Steam

You know how it is.

M any people listen to music while they’re carrying out a task, whether they’re studying for an exam, driving a vehicle or even reading a book. Many of these people argue that background music. The soundtrack has been widely praised by games press and fans, with Eric Van Allen of GamingTrend saying, 'The soundtrack to Undertale reinforces the game's earth-shattering moments, knowing just when to rise and fall, and the frequent use of melodies and themes subconsciously manipulates your heart throughout the whole experience. While True: learn is a puzzle/simulation game about even more puzzling stuff: machine learning, neural networks, big data and AI. But most importantly, it’s about understanding your cat. In this game, you play as a coder who accidentally found out that their cat is extremely good at coding, but not as good at speaking human language. Now this coder (it’s you!) must learn all there is to.

While True Learn Review

You sit down to study or read and your mind wanders and thinks about everything except what you’re trying to learn.

You read a page and by the time you get to the bottom, you realize you have no idea what you just read.

This happens because your brain just isn’t in the right state of mind.

To really absorb information, your brain needs to be operating in its “learning mode”. Your neural processes need to be firing off in a way that is conducive to focus and studying.

There are many techniques to achieve this state of mind, but using binaural beats for studying is a really great shortcut.

Before we get into the tricks to help you study better, we’re going to break down how the brain works. Don’t worry, we promise to keep it easy and simple. No pop quizzes!

Your Brain Throughout The Day

Your brain is actually an incredibly complex network of little cells called neurons.

These neurons constantly fire off information. As they do, they produce electric activity in different stages.

When you’re really alert, your brain is in what’s called the Beta state, which means the neurons are firing off rapidly and producing a lot of information. As it slows downs, it moves into Alpha state, and then as it slows way down and you fall asleep, it moves into Theta then Delta state.

Don’t freak out.

You won’t be tested on this information!

What you need to understand though, is that your brain doesn’t learn very well when it’s in the hyperactive state of Beta or the dreamy state of Theta.

To learn, you need to be focused, present and in the very aware state of Alpha.

Why Can’t I Focus?

If you’re anxious and stressed about… well, anything, you’ll have a hard time studying.

This is because the anxiety you’re feeling is feeding the Beta state of your brain.

Things are moving too quickly and information can’t be absorbed or retained.

Beta takes a lot of energy, so more than likely, if you’re going through a stressful time, you’re using so much energy that your brain is exhausted. When this happens, your brain tries to move itself into the Theta state. The result is a weary mind that can’t learn new information.

To focus, your brain needs to be in between these two extremes.

You need to be awake and alert enough to retain information, but not so awake that you can’t concentrate.

Using Binaural Beats To Study

Getting to the Alpha state can be difficult to achieve on your own.

This is especially true if you’re feeling really stressed out. However, there’s a wonderful technology that can naturally put your brain into the Alpha state — all you have to do is listen to some music.

Binaural beats are the imaginary beats your brain makes up when it is presented with two different frequencies in each ear.

For example, if you hear 410hz in one ear and 400hz in the other, your brain will actually create the 10hz to make up the difference.

When it does so, the rest of your brain syncs up with that frequency.

To use binaural beats for concentration, you need to listen to a track that presents your brain with a difference of 8hz-12hz.

By doing so, your brain will ease into the Alpha state and you’ll feel focused and ready to tackle your studies.

What is it like to use Binaural Beats?

Using binaural beats for focus can instantly put your brain into the right state of mind. You’ll feel calm and relaxed, but not too calm.

It should be a really similar feeling to meditation or yoga. During those activities, your brain is in the Alpha state.

To use binaural beats, make sure you are wearing headphones. Because binaural beats work by presenting each ear with different frequencies, you need to make sure that each ear only hears one of the frequencies.

CAUTION: If you are epileptic or pregnant, talk to your physician before attempting to use binaural beats.They are safe to use, but could induce a seizures in people who have epilepsy.

Once you put your headphones in and listen to the track, you’ll probably hear soothing music.

The frequencies that create the binaural beat don’t have any real sound, so soothing music is often added to the frequency to make the experience more enjoyable. Soon enough, you’ll feel focused and ready for concentration and studying.


We have a great binaural beats track available on Youtube. Try it out the next time you have to study or want to focus:

You can use binaural beats for many other purposes.

While True Learn Help

Binaural beats simply entrain your brain into a certain state, so they can be helpful for meditation, sleeping and even having lucid dreams!

While True Learn Soundtrack

The BEST Way To Uplevel Your Learning…

While True Learn Steam

Is to learn how to learn.
Binaural beats will help, but it’s important to tend to your overall brain health and your learning practice if you wish to study more effectively.
That’s why we hooked up with globally celebrated brain expert Jim Kwik to bring you his FREE Superbrain Masterclass to totally boost your brainpower, learn any skill faster, retain more, forget less, and tend to your overall brain health.

Everyone has a Superbrain’, Jim says, – it’s just a matter of tapping into its power.

Join over 2.5 MILLION students who have successfully completed this Masterclass and discovered Jim’s 10 Brain Hacks by clicking below. It’s completely free of charge for everyone, and we hope to see you there.