Beyond The Wall


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Beyond the Wall ( 20 ) IMDb 6.9 1h 30min 2011 13+ The fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 symbolized the end of the Cold War and spurred on the peaceful revolutions that caused Communism to crumble.

Beyond The Wall Dunedin Fl

Lands Beyond the Wall and its major locations (click to zoom)

Beyond the Wall is a general term for the northernmost area of Westeros, the lands north of the Wall.

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  1. Animusic - Byond The Walls.
  2. Beyond The Wall is the tri-state area's finest Pink Floyd tribute band. Beyond The Wall performs the best of Pink Floyd music in venues throughout the tri-state area. If you are fortunate enough to attend one of our shows you will hear selections from Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall, and other works meticulously.


The Wall by Martina Pilcerova © Fantasy Flight Games

The lands beyond the Wall are primarily wild, untamed and uncharted. The climate is harsh and bitter, especially in the far north in the Lands of Always Winter. The region immediately north of the Wall includes the haunted forest, a vast taiga-forest which covers most of the area, extending from the Wall to the furthest lands of Thenn.[1] While no true roads exist, numerous game trails, paths, and old streambeds, called 'ranger roads', are used by the Night's Watch and free folk alike.[2]

The haunted forest extends from the eastern coast to a large mountain chain in the west, the Frostfangs. These inhospitable mountains extend an unknown distance to the north. Notable features include the Giant's Stair and the Skirling Pass. The Milkwater, the great river beyond the Wall, has its origins in the Frostfangs. Thenn is a hidden valley in the mountains.[3]

Beyond The Wall

Southwest of the Frostfangs is the Frozen Shore, a narrow strip of land between the mountains and the Bay of Ice. Along the east coast is the Antler River, which flows into the Shivering Sea. The easternmost region beyond the Wall is the forested peninsula Storrold's Point, which contains the ruins of the only free folk town, Hardhome.[4][1]

Beyond all of these areas, in the furthest north, is the Land of Always Winter. The haunted forest ends and gives way to these polar regions, which are unexplored.

Animals living beyond the Wall include deer, eagles, elk, hares, rams, shadowcats, snow bears, and wolves.[5][6]

Flowers include coldsnaps, frostfires, piper's grass, and wildflowers.[5] Trees include chestnuts, ironwoods, oaks, sentinels, soldier pines, and weirwoods,[7][8][9]


Rangers of the Night's Watch battle free folk in the haunted forest, by Tomasz Jedruszek © Fantasy Flight Games

The people inhabiting the land refer to themselves as the 'free folk', but are known by the people of the Seven Kingdoms as 'wildlings'. The lands beyond the Wall are bitterly cold year round, but many free folk reside from the furthest reaches of the haunted forest to the hidden valleys of the Frostfangs, including the valley of Thenn. The Thenns are surrounded by cave dwellers, Hornfoots, giants, and the ice-river clans. Other tribes include Nightrunners and men of the Frozen Shore.[10]

Some free folk are little more than savage and primitive raiders, but other groups live in small, settled communities and villages. Due to the impracticality of agriculture in the far north, many of them are hunters.

Maesters believe that giants are extinct, but some still live beyond the Wall.[11] A group of children of the forest reside within the cave of the three-eyed crow.[12] The Others are rumored to originate in the depths of the Land of Always Winter.[13]

Beyond the wall bed and breakfast dunedin


The heart of winter by Stephen Najarian

Redwyn, a ranger of the Night's Watch, explored from the Shadow Tower to Lorn Point during the reign of Dorren Stark, King in the North.[14][15] Another king, Theon Stark, joined the Night's Watch in a venture north of the Wall which weakened the free folk for a generation.[16]

Hardhome was mysteriously destroyed six hundred years ago.[4]

Brynden Rivers, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, vanished during a ranging beyond the Wall in 252 AC.[17] It is sometimes suggested that the lords of the north be allowed to extend their power beyond the Wall to end the threat of wildling raids.[18]

Texts about the region include History of the Kings-Beyond-the-Wall by Maester Herryk[15] and Hardhome: An Account of Three Years Spent Beyond-the-Wall among Savages, Raiders, and Woods-witches by Maester Wyllis.[19]

Beyond The Wall Osr

Recent Events

A Game of Thrones

Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow take in the view beyond the Wall - by Marc Simonetti ©

Ser Waymar Royce leads a ranging party in the haunted forest, but he is slain by Others and rises as a wight.[20]Benjen Stark, the First Ranger, searches for Waymar beyond the Wall, but Benjen also disappears.[21]

Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow view the northern lands from atop the Wall.[22] Jon says his vows for the Night's Watch in a grove of weirwoods within the haunted forest.[7]

A Clash of Kings

Jon participates in the great ranging to investigate the conflict beyond the Wall. The Night's Watch discover that Whitetree has been abandoned.[2] Jon is captured by Rattleshirt in the Skirling Pass and fights Qhorin Halfhand to the death.[23]

A Storm of Swords

Wights overwhelm the Night's Watch in the fight at the Fist.[24][25] After the mutiny at Craster's Keep, Samwell Tarly, Gilly, and other survivors flee south for the Wall.[26][27]

Beyond The Wall Rpg

Mance Rayder, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, leads the free folk into attacking the gate through the Wall at Castle Black. They are defeated by Stannis Baratheon in the battle beneath the Wall, however.[28]

A Dance with Dragons

With Mance a captive of Stannis, the free folk host is broken, with some submitting to Stannis and the Night's Watch and others scattering.[6] Jon Snow, now Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, frees Val so she can find Tormund in the wilderness and negotiate the passage of his followers through the Wall.[4][29] Jon sends Cotter Pyke with ships to rescue free folk at Hardhome, but the free folk do not trust the Night's Watch and Maester Harmune writes of dead things in the water.[30]

Coldhands leads Bran Stark, Hodor, Meera Reed, and Jojen Reed through the haunted forest to the cave of the three-eyed crow.[12]


North of the Wall, things are different. That's where the children went, and the giants, and the other old races.[31]

Beyond the gates the monsters live, and the giants and the ghouls, he remembered Old Nan saying, but they cannot pass so long as the Wall stands strong.[32]

Behind the Scenes

According to George R. R. Martin, the lands beyond the Wall are probably larger than Greenland. The terrain closer to the Wall is reminiscent of forested Canada, while the Arctic lands further north have tundra and ice fields.[33]


  1. 1.01.1The Lands of Ice and Fire, Beyond the Wall.
  2. 2.02.1A Clash of Kings, Chapter 13, Jon II.
  3. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 26, Jon III.
  4. Dance with Dragons, Chapter 39, Jon VIII.
  5. 5.05.1A Clash of Kings, Chapter 51, Jon VI.
  6. 6.06.1A Dance with Dragons, Prologue.
  7. 7.07.1A Game of Thrones, Chapter 48, Jon VI.
  8. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 23, Jon III.
  9. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 35, Jon VII.
  10. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 15, Jon II.
  11. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 53, Bran VI.
  12. 12.012.1A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 13, Bran II.
  13. The World of Ice & Fire, Ancient History: The Long Night.
  14. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 6, Jon I.
  15. 15.015.1The World of Ice & Fire, Ancient History: The Dawn Age.
  16. The World of Ice & Fire, The North: The Kings of Winter.
  17. The World of Ice & Fire, The Targaryen Kings: Aegon V.
  18. The World of Ice & Fire, The Wall and Beyond: The Night's Watch.
  19. The World of Ice & Fire, The Wall and Beyond : The Wildlings.
  20. A Game of Thrones, Prologue.
  21. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 19, Jon III.
  22. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 21, Tyrion III.
  23. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 68, Jon VIII.
  24. A Storm of Swords, Prologue.
  25. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 18, Samwell I.
  26. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 33, Samwell II.
  27. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 75, Samwell IV.
  28. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 73, Jon X.
  29. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 53, Jon XI.
  30. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 58, Jon XII.
  31. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 66, Bran VII.
  32. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 24, Bran II.
  33. George R.R. Martin Talks Season Two, 'The Winds of Winter,' and Real-World Influences for 'A Song of Ice and Fire' (March 26, 2012)
Regions of the Known World

Beyond The Walls Church Elyria

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Beyond the Walls joins the services provided by Shiloh House to complete the continuum of support for youth ages 16-26 as they become successful, productive young adult members of their local communities. Beyond the Walls creates a seamless tapestry of support for young people as they transition from out of home care to independence. Through a vibrant Community Resource Network young people link to resources and mentors which provide life skills, learning opportunities and tools to help every young person achieve their goals for the future.

Beyond the Walls uses the proven mentoring model of Circles to assist young people in gaining vital confidence and support during times of change in their lives. The Circles model combines the benefits of one on one coaching and working within a group of peers. A combination of action learning, coaching and peer mentoring provides young people with a wider source of support and inspiration for idea generation. This approach encourages greater creativity in problem solving and helps each young person learn how to thrive on the journey toward permanency.

Our Community Resource Network is made up of partners who are willing to make a commitment to developing a healthy relationship that will support youth in and out of home care to begin their journey with confidence. Beyond the Walls partners with young people as they move from case management, toward being community connected and begin building a foundation of connections and social capital to help each young person thrive. The volunteers in our Community Resource Network link young people to opportunities and experiences to help them reach their goals. This integrated system of resources and connections amplifies the ability for each youth to have caring adults working with them as they journey toward the future.

Beyond the Walls at Shiloh House works to ensure that every young person is:

  1. Attached to nurturing adults
  2. Linked with educational supports that lead to career readiness
  3. Engaged in community, school and/or extracurricular activities
  4. Career ready with positive attitudes about the world of work
  5. Productive and equipped to reach financial self-sufficiency
  6. Aware of, appreciates and demonstrates behaviors of personal and social responsibility
  7. Demonstrating healthy decisions that lead to well-being

Shiloh House Evening Reporting Center is an alternative to secure detention for pre-adjudicated and adjudicated adolescents. The services provided offer a passage away from detention, further court involvement and out-of-home placement, while providing tailored programming that addresses each youth’s individual needs and strengths.

Evening Reporting Center offers, within a highly structured environment:

  1. Academic tutoring and monitoring.
  2. Truancy counseling
  3. Life skills development
  4. Conflict resolution
  5. Substance abuse counseling
  6. Resource development
  7. College and career exploration
  8. Therapeutic recreation

The goal of the Evening Reporting Center is:

  1. Improve the youth’s academic attendance
  2. Appearance at all scheduled judicial hearings
  3. Maintenance of appropriate behavior at home and in the community
  4. Performance of community service
  5. No commission of new delinquent acts

Evening Reporting Center staff members work with schools, juvenile probation officers, parents, courts, case workers and other community partners to collaboratively achieve the program objectives