I feel like the equipment needs to be greatly improved. Having only two slots (especially for a police officer) isn't terribly ideal, especially since standard equipment isn't included. Every officer that I've seen wears a vest (even on patrol), has a handgun on him, and a rifle and/or shotgun in his cruiser. This game allows me to give an officer a vest and one gun, and then I can't add.
- The Nation’s 911 System. 911 service is a vital part of our nation's emergency response and disaster preparedness system. In October 1999, the Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999 (911 Act) took effect with the purpose of improving public safety by encouraging and facilitating the prompt deployment of a nationwide, seamless communications infrastructure for emergency services.
- 911 Operator: Special Resources is downloadable content for the video game 911 Operator, developed by Jutsu Games and published by PlayWay S.A. It is available on Steam for Microsoft Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux. 911 Operator: Special Resources on Steam 911 Operator: Special Resources on SteamDB.
- All 911 Operator Guides! You May Also Like: Animal Jam - Play Wild! - Data Tutorial Guide (Repair AJPW Game) 911 Operator - Gameplay Tips; SCUM - Maps (Loot, Towns, Police Stations, Points of Interest & More) Into the Breach - Console Commands (Cheats) Amplitude: A Visual Novel - Romance Guide.
- 911 Operator: Special Resources is downloadable content for the video game 911 Operator, developed by Jutsu Games and published by PlayWay S.A. It is available on Steam for Microsoft Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux. 911 Operator: Special Resources on Steam 911 Operator: Special Resources.
Text to 911
Posters and Flyers
- NENA National 911 Education Month Tools
Videos and Public Service Announcements
9-1-1 Education for Children
911 Operator Demo
9-1-1 Education for Adults and Businesses
The resources posted on the Web site of the National 911 Education Coalition were not created by the Coalition and are not property of the Coalition. They are being shared in the interest of information exchange. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in these publication and on these Web sites are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Coalition. The National 911 Education Coalition assumes no liability for their contents or use thereof. If trade names, manufacturers’ names, or specific products are mentioned, it is because they are considered essential to the object of the publication and should not be construed as an endorsement. The National 911 Education Coalition does not endorse products, services or organizations.
Mar 29th, 2020
911 Operator Game

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